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Leaf Pattern Design

MaFLA 2024 - Springfield, MA

Thanks to everyone who came to this presentation!! 

Dux femina factÄ«: exploring (female) leadership in the new AP Latin exam. 

Description: In this session we will take a look at Latin by or about women in the Suggested Texts for the Teacher’s Choice section. We will explore two prose and two poetry texts and relate them stylistically and thematically to the required reading. We’ll introduce you to a few of these “new” authors and a couple of their works. By the end of this session, you’ll feel more confident about teaching these texts and have lesson plans in hand for Monday! 

Can Dos:

Your students will be able to (SWBAT) summarize and translate these specific texts; SWBAT associate stylistic elements and themes from these texts with the required reading.

EG - How does Boccaccio’s version of Cloelia speak to the concept of pietas? How is her pietas similar/ different to that of Aeneas’?

How does Martha Marchina’s distich poem, Ad Anein Fluvium,  treat the Tiber river? What are some epithets that she uses? How does her treatment of this body of water compare to Vergil or Ovid’s? 


Below is a link to the slideshow, which also has links to the handouts and the presentation for students on Cloelia. There's also a link to the recording. The passcode is: 7&HLu5er

  • @LupercalLegit

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