Reading about Sappho for Pride month in 2019

Reading about Sappho for Pride month in 2019
In April 2018, Latin teacher Skye Shirley founded Lupercal in the Boston area to bridge a gender gap in the field of Latin studies.
At these meetings, a tenured university professor might lean over to better hear a high-school senior share her insights about Cornificia, a Roman woman who spent her whole life writing works that were long ago lost.
Then in February 2020, Skye and Lauren registered Lupercal as non-profit agency. And then . . . the pandemic hit! Instead of meeting in various cities, we gathered online. Women across the global flocked to our Facebook group and soon we had 600+ members! The in-person programming migrated well to the online platform and enabled us to include author visits from the Mary Beard, Nina MacLaughlin, and Helen Morales to name a few. Taking into account four time zones to schedule meetings meant we were truly a global community!
Now we're expanding our mission to support teachers and students who are endeavoring to start or continue their Latin journey.